Tentang PT Asuransi BRI Life
Indonesia Version:
PT Asuransi BRI Life didirikan pada tahun 1987 untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perlindungan asuransi jiwa bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Untuk mengembangkan potensi usaha Perseroan, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. selaku Pemegang Saham Pengendali menggandeng FWD Management Holdings sebagai Strategic Partner pada tahun 2021.
BRI Life terus mengembangkan produk dan layanan yang didukung dengan teknologi digital (digitally-enabled products and services) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rakyat Indonesia akan perlindungan asuransi jiwa. Dengan berbagai kanal pemasaran yang ada, mulai dari In-Branch, Alternate, Distribusi, Corporate, dan Agency, seluruh BRILiaN Tangguh di BRI Life terus berupaya dengan ekstra keras dan ekstra cerdas untuk mewujudkan aspirasi mem-BRILife-kan Indonesia.
English Version:
BRI Life is a national life insurance company which is a subsidiary of the largest Bank in Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). As a company that has been operating in the life insurance industry in Indonesia for more than 30 years, BRI Life has always been oriented towards customer satisfaction, one of which is manifested in fulfilling the needs of the Indonesian people for self-protection and family protection, both now and in the future.
These various life insurance products offer protection; Life and Health, Critical Illness, Protection and Investment, Education and Old Age that are offered to the public through its various channels, namely; Agency (Individual life insurance products), Corporations (Group Life Insurance products), In Branch (Bancassurance Life Insurance Products) and Alternative Distribution (Micro Life Insurance Products and Digital Products). All of BRILiaN Tangguh continue to work extra hard and extra smart to realize the aspiration to BRILIfe-kan Indonesia