AAJI Daily News - 27 September 2023

Rabu, 27 September 2023                                                                                       




Waspadai Pengajuan Tidak Wajar Klaim Asuransi dengan Modus Pembunuhan


Kewenangan OJK Jadi Penyidik Tunggal Digugat


Wujudkan Sekolah Sehat


AAJI Proyeksikan Investasi di Reksadana Tetap Menurun Akibat PAYDI


Penurunan Investasi di Reksadana Bisa Menekan Hasil Investasi Asuransi Jiwa


GFNY Bali IFG Life 2023 Manjakan 2000 Pesepeda, Sukses untuk Indonesia


2 Best Sharia Unit Life Insurance Ekuitas Rp25 Miliar – Rp250 Miliar


MNC Life Beri Edukasi Literasi Keuangan di Peluncuran RTW Center RSU Hermina Medan


AIA bersama Kemendikbudristek Luncurkan Program AIA Healthiest Schools


Zurich Topas Life Tunjuk Richard Ferryanto Jadi Presiden Direktur


EU-US steel row in focus ahead of fall trade summit


AI: the answer to everyday finances?


Reinsurers mostly view global catastrophe risks as well priced, says KBW


Emerging Technologies That Streamline Claims


Six months after call for AI pause, are we closer to disaster?


The EU lost a trade war with China 10 years ago. Has it learned?


UK Fintech stays a safe bet for tech workers


Why more security doesn’t mean more effective compliance


SMEs overestimate their cybersecurity preparedness


Cyber insurance market a 'massive opportunity'


AAJI Proyeksikan Investasi di Reksadana Tetap Menurun Akibat PAYDI

kontan.co.id, 26-09-2023

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mencatatkan investasi asuransi jiwa di reksadana masih terus alami penurunan sejak awal tahun 2023 sampai dengan data terakhir yang dirilis yakni per Juli 2023 yang mencatatkan sebesar Rp 92,29 triliun. Secara pertumbuhan, sampai dengan Semester I-2023 penempatan investasi pada reksadana alami penurunan sebesar 34,1%. Selain itu, investasi pada portofolio reksadana juga mencatatkan sebesar Rp 95,07 triliun per Semester I-2023. "Hasil ini berkontribusi 17,6% terhadap keseluruhan total investasi," ujar Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia (AAJI) Togar Pasaribu pada Kontan, Senin (25/9).  Togar juga menyebutkan bahwa penurunan tersebut sudah terlihat sejak awal tahun 2022, di mana faktor utamanya karena penempatan investasi asuransi jiwa pada portofolio PAYDI adalah penyesuaian yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan asuransi jiwa untuk mematuhi aturan SEOJK PAYDI yang mulai berlaku sejak Maret 2022.

Penurunan Investasi di Reksadana Bisa Menekan Hasil Investasi Asuransi Jiwa

kontan.co.id, 26-09-2023

JAKARTA. Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia (AAJI) menyebutkan dampak yang mungkin terjadi jika investasi di reksadana terus menurun salah satunya akan terlihat dari segi  yield  atau hasil investasinya. Direktur Eksekutif AAJI Togar Pasaribu mengatakan bahwa perubahan strategi investasi sedikit banyaknya pasti akan memengaruhi hasil investasi yang diperoleh perusahaan dan tentunya akan dirasakan oleh pemegang polis selaku pemilik dana. Ada pun penyesuaian strategi investasi oleh perusahaan yang harus menyesuaikan profil produknya terhadap instrumen investasi yang akan dipilih untuk menggantikan reksadana dengan  underlying  di luar SBN. "Penyesuaian tersebut tentunya harus dilandasi dengan tujuan jangka panjang perusahaan, profil risiko, dan kondisi pasar saat itu," ujar Togar pada Kontan, Senin (25/9).

INDUSTRI & ASURANSI                                                                                                

Waspadai Pengajuan Tidak Wajar Klaim Asuransi dengan Modus Pembunuhan

Sinar Indonesia Baru, hal 14/ 26-09-2023

Asuransi hadir sebagai sistem perlindungan terhadap suatu risiko kerugian pada individu dengan cara mendistribusikan atau membagi beban kerugian kepada Individu lain dalam jumlah besar sesuai dengan law of averages. Pada penghujung tahun 2022 lalu, sepasang suami istri merekayasa kematian seorang pria yang mengalami gangguan jwa demi mendapatkan kiaim asuransi jiwanya. Atas kejadian ini perusahaan asuransi diingatkan untuk menyiapkan strategi ritasi saat terjadinya pencairan klaim yang tidak wajar. Mengenai hal ini, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) telah mengatur dalam POJK No.23/ POJK.01/2019 tentang Petubahan Atas POJK No. 12/ POJK.01/2017 tentang Penerapan Program Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme di Sektor Jasa Keuangan. Perusahaan asuransi dapat melakukan investigasi atau survei profil nasabah saat nasabah tersebut membell polis maupun saat terjadi klaim. Selain itu, perusahaan asuransi perlu mengedukasi nasabahnya dan menekankan bahwa produk asuransi bukan instrumen mencari keuntungan, melainkan sarana proteksi dan investasi nasabah. Pada asuransi kematian, calon peserta diminta untuk memasukkan data kesehatannya, dengan atau tanpa pemeriksaan kesehatan pertanggungan.

Kewenangan OJK Jadi Penyidik Tunggal Digugat

Kontan, hal 10/ 27-09-2023

Sidang uji materiil UU P2SK terkait aturan yang menjadikan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan sebagai penyidik tunggal sektor keuangan terus berlanjut. Para pemohon uji materi, yang terdiri dari Serikat Pekerja Niaga Bank Jasa Asuransi hingga nasabah Wanaartha Life menilai aturan tersebut menghambat proses penegakan hukum Kemarin, agenda sidang yang berlangsung di Mahkamah Konstitusi ini adalah mendengarkan saksi ahli dari pemohon. Menurut kuasa hukum para pemohon, Muhammad Rullyandi, beleid itu memicu ketidakadilan.

Wujudkan Sekolah Sehat

Cianjur Ekspres, hal 3/ 27-09-2023

Sejalan dengan Kampanye Sekolah Sehat, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) berkolaborasi bersama PT AIA Financial (AIA) dan Majalah Bobo pada Senin (25/9), meluncurkan program AIA Healthiest Schools. Program ini menyediakan materi pembelajaran yang dapat diadaptasi oleh guru dan sekolah sebagai upaya untuk membangun kebiasaan hidup sehat di lingkungan sekolah. “Kami sangat senang dan mengapresiasi AIA dan juga Majalah Bobo yang telah menjadi bagian dari mitra Kampanye Sekolah Sehat, ‘melalui program AIA Healthiest Schools. Kami selalu percaya, bahwa lingkungan sekolah yang bersih dan sehat adalah syarat utama yang harus dipenuhi agar anakanak kita bisa benar-benar merdeka dalam belajar dan berkarya” tutur Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Dasar, dan Menengah (Dirjen PDM), Iwan Syahril.

GFNY Bali IFG Life 2023 Manjakan 2000 Pesepeda, Sukses untuk Indonesia

depok.tribunnews.com, 26-09-2023

Perhelatan balap sepeda GFNY Bali IFG Life, 17 September 2023 yang digelar di Desa Sayan, Ubud, Bali, meraih perhatian luar biasa baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. "Di luar ekspektasi, ada 2000 pesepeda yang hadir. Kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih pada seluruh pesepeda yang telah hadir, masyarakat Bali terutama di Ubud, kepolisian, komunitas sepeda khususnya Samas Bali, para sponsor, dan seluruh pihak yang tak bisa saya sebut satu persatu," ungkap Founder GFNY Indonesia, Axel Moeller.Salah satu hal yang menonjol pada GFNY Bali IFG Life 2023 ini adalah keterlibatan IFG Life sebagai sponsor utama yang memproteksi peserta-peserta dengan IFG LifeSAVER.

2 Best Sharia Unit Life Insurance Ekuitas Rp25 Miliar – Rp250 Miliar

mediaasuransinews.co.id, 26-09-2023

Dua unit syariah perusahaan asuransi jiwa di Indonesia berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Best Sharia Unit Life Insurance dengan kategori ekuitas Rp25 miliar-Rp250 miliar, pada Insurance Award 2023 Media Asuransi. Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) PT Great Eastern Indonesia dan Unit Syariah PT PFI Mega Life berhasil mencatatkan kinerja yang baik, sehingga kedua perusahaan tersebut ditetapkan oleh Dewan Juri Insurance Award 2023 Media Asuransi sebagai perusahaan terbaik pada kelompoknya. Hasil kajian Lembaga Riset Media Asuransi (LRMA) terhadap laporan keuangan publikasi 2021-2022 Unit Syariah Great Eastern Life Indonesia, mencatatkan peningkatan nilai investasi 2022 sebesar 21,37 persen, dari Rp20,07 miliar di 2021 menjadi Rp24,36 miliar pada 2022.2 Best Sharia Unit Life Insurance 2023 Kelompok Ekuitas Rp250 Miliar ke Atas Hal ini juga mempertegas posisi Unit Syariah Great Eastern Life Indonesia sebagai pemuncak di kelompok pertumbuhan asetnya tercatat sebesar 10,29 persen, dari Rp55,24 miliar tahun 2021 meningkat jadi Rp60,93 miliar pada 2022. Kontribusi bruto perseroan juga mencatatkan peningkatan yang fantastis, dari tahun 2021 yang hanya sebesar Rp770 juta, kemudian meningkat jadi Rp5,19 miliar di tahun buku 2022.

MNC Life Beri Edukasi Literasi Keuangan di Peluncuran RTW Center RSU Hermina Medan

okezone.com, 26-09-2023

Regional Sales Head  PT MNC Life Assurance, Erwan Antoro mengatakan bahwa pendidikan anak harus direncanakan sejak dini, termasuk pembiayannya. Sehingga jika terjadi hal-hal yang membuat orang tua tak lagi bisa bekerja, anak tetap dapat melanjutkan pendidikannya hingga ke perguruan tinggi. Demikian disampaikan saat memberikan Edukasi Literasi Keuangan di Peluncuran Fasilitas Return to Work Center di Rumah Sakit Umum Hermina Medan, Selasa (26/9/2023). "Kami MNC Life hari ini hadir untuk melakukan sosialisasi tentang program pendidikan kepada para undangan di acara peluncuran RTW Center di rumah sakit mitra kita RSU Hermina Medan. Kegiatan mereka bagaimana para pasien atau masyarakat pada saat terjadi resiko, bisa kembali bekerja," kata Erwan. Erwan menyebutkan, MNC Life memiliki program asuransi pendidikan yang diberi nama MNC Tahapan Pintar.

AIA bersama Kemendikbudristek Luncurkan Program AIA Healthiest Schools

kids.grid.id, 26-09-2023

PT AIA Financial (AIA) bersama Majalah Bobo berkolaborasi dengan Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi meluncurkan program kerja sama Kampanye Sekolah Sehat dan AIA Healthiest Schools. Sebelumnya diketahui Kemendikbudristek telah meluncurkan Kampenye Sekolah Sehat sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesehatan anak Indonesia dan pembelajaran para siswa.Dengan melalui penerapan Sekolah Sehat, sekolah dapat berfokus pada Sehat Bergizi, Sehat Fisik dan Sehat Imunisasi di satuan pendidikan.Sejalan dengan Kemendikbudristek, AIA dan Majalah Bobo juga mendukung program tersebut dengan meluncurkan AIA Healthiest Schools. Program ini sebagai bentuk penyediaan materi pembelajaran yang dapat diadaptasi oleh guru dan sekolah sebagai upaya membangun kebiasaan hidup sehat dan lingkungan bersih di lingkungan di sekolah."Sebagai perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang telah hadir 100 tahun di Indonesia dan selaras dengan tujuan kami AIA Indonesia ingin berperan aktif dalam menciptakan generasi sehat dan mendukung program kampanye sekolah sehat melalui program AIA Healthiest Schools," ujar Direktur Hukum dan Kepatuhan PT AIA Financial, Ibu Rista Qatrini Manurung.

Zurich Topas Life Tunjuk Richard Ferryanto Jadi Presiden Direktur

kompas.com, 26-09-2023

PT Zurich Topas Life (Zurich Life) mengumumkan pengangkatan Richard Ferryanto sebagai Presiden Direktur yang secara resmi telah disetujui regulator dan pemegang saham. Richard menerima penugasan ini menyusul perpindahan pendahulunya, Chris Bendl yang menduduki posisi baru sebagai Country Chairman Zurich Indonesia. Country Chairman of Zurich Indonesia Chris Bendl mengatakan, Richard memiliki pengalaman yang mendalam di industri asuransi dan rekam jejak kepemimpinan yang terbukti. "Richard akan mampu membawa Zurich Life maju menjadi perusahaan asuransi pilihan di Indonesia," kata Chris Bendl dalam keterangan resmi, dikutip Selasa (26/9/2023).


EU-US steel row in focus ahead of fall trade summit

politico.eu, 18-09-2023

The European Union and United States want to put on a show of unity against Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s economic market dominance when they meet for a trade summit likely to be held in the second half of October. The meeting offers a window to capitalize on the personal relationship that leaders Ursula von der Leyen and Joe Biden have built and seal a number of transatlantic agreements before both the EU and U.S. hold elections next year. For Brussels, especially, the summit feels like it could be a last chance before a possible comeback by former U.S. President Donald Trump, who is seeking reelection on an overtly protectionist platform. To capture that momentum and paint the image of a united front, EU and U.S. officials are in a negotiating tunnel to hammer out high-stakes agreements on green steel and aluminum, and on critical minerals. Although both sides remain far apart on fundamental aspects of the steel negotiations, Brussels and Washington are starting to feel more optimistic they can achieve enough headway this fall to avoid a replay of their 2018-2021 trade war.

AI: the answer to everyday finances?

ft.com, 19-09-2023

Most ordinary consumers don’t have access to a personal financial adviser, but a growing number of AI services are promising to change that by offering tools to help spenders track their expenditure and give advice on how best to manage their money. Although artificial intelligence is used in financial services and to manage more sophisticated financial products like ETFs, AI is increasingly being used for everyday “wallet management”, said Fabian Stephany, research lecturer in AI and work at the Oxford Internet Institute. This is typically where apps are granted access to the user’s bank account, analyse their spending patterns and offer them tailored guidance. “You could say, this is my income and at the end of the month I’d like to save x amount of money, how can I achieve this?” he said. “But it could also compare you with your peers in a similar financial situation, and tell you if you’re spending much more, for example, on things like food or clothing.” Some people are in need of a helping hand to steer their pocketbooks.

Reinsurers mostly view global catastrophe risks as well priced, says KBW

reinsurancene.ws, 19-09-2023

Following meetings with executives at the recently held 2023 Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) in Monte Carlo, KBW has reported that the majority of reinsurers view global catastrophe risks as well priced, with overall risk-adjusted rates expected to be flat to up modestly at the January 1st, 2024, renewals. Flat to modestly rising reinsurance rates are anticipated even if the reminder of the Atlantic hurricane season is benign, say analysts. While the executives KBW met with see U.S. cat risk in particular as well priced, one did suggest that property per-risk is still underpriced, which could lead to modest pricing increases at 1.1. “Similarly, one broker suggested that cedents that either didn’t completely fill their programs in 2023 or that papered over catastrophe treaty reinsurance protection gaps with direct and facultative coverage could feel a little more “pain” during 2024 renewals,” notes KBW.

Emerging Technologies That Streamline Claims

insurancethoughtleadership.com, 20-09-2023

The convergence of AI and human intelligence can streamline claims processing, detect fraud and rewrite the narrative of settlements. In an era defined by technological advancements, industries worldwide are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform and enhance their operations. The insurance sector, known for its extensive web of paperwork and meticulous claims processing, is no exception. As insurers aim to expedite claims approvals and payouts while maintaining accuracy, the spotlight has turned toward emerging technologies. Amid the buzz surrounding AI, an exploration of its practical applications and limitations becomes vital. To make substantial investments in AI technologies during a time of economic uncertainty, leaders need to be sure that any budget expenditure today can be backed up by tangible ROI in the not-so-distant future. Looking at processes that have historically been manual and are draining resources is the best place to start when exploring the potential benefits of automation.

Six months after call for AI pause, are we closer to disaster?

euronews.com, 21-09-2023

Companies like ChatGPT’s OpenAI and Google were asked to consider the “profound risks to society and humanity” their technology might be creating. It’s fair to say the major players did not press the pause button. Instead, more companies have joined the generative AI race with their own large language models (LLMs), with Meta releasing Llama 2 and Anthropic showcasing its ChatGPT rival Claude 2. Whether or not the warnings were heeded by the tech giants, the FLI’s letter did mark something of a milestone in what is shaping up to be remembered as the year of AI. Mark Brakel, the institute’s director of policy, says they didn’t expect to get the response to their letter that it received, with widespread press coverage and a renewed urgency within governments to work out what to do about the rapid progress of AI. There was a US Senate hearing which cited the letter, and it prompted a formal reply from the European Parliament.

The EU lost a trade war with China 10 years ago. Has it learned?

politico.eu, 21-09-2023

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's announcement of an investigation into Chinese electric vehicle subsidies has brought bitter memories flooding back of a confrontation between Brussels and Beijing a decade ago. The fight, over solar panels, escalated into a showdown. And then the European Union backed down. Its lessons supposedly learned, the EU wants this time around to act more decisively in a clash where the stakes are far higher. It's one thing to lose the relatively small solar panel industry. Defeat in the battle over the green transformation of the economically vital car industry must be prevented at all costs. You may like That's not just the spin from the European Commission, but also the belief of the man who lost the standoff over a decade ago: former EU trade chief Karel De Gucht. When De Gucht pushed for anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures against China for undercutting the European market in solar panels and telecommunications equipment in 2012 and 2013, Beijing played EU countries off against each other in a game of divide and rule.

UK Fintech stays a safe bet for tech workers

finextra.com, 22-09-2023

Despite remaining the centre of European fintech investment and attracting more funding than any other country in the EMEA region, London has witnessed a 57% decline in fintech investment in the past year. According to data compiled by KPMG, investment dropped to £4.6 billion in the first half of 2023 compared to the £10.8 billion witnessed in 2022. Is London’s position as a global ‘superhub’ for fintech really under threat? Not if the UK government has anything to do with it.

Why more security doesn’t mean more effective compliance

helpnetsecurity.com, 22-09-2023

Financial institutions have always been a valuable target for cyberattacks. That’s partly why banking and financial institutions are heavily regulated and have more compliance requirements than those in most other industries. A slew of new rules have been put in place in recent years, designed to place more emphasis on continually measuring and managing this risk. For financial institutions, the way to do so is not necessarily by investing in new security tools; it’s by getting more value from existing technology through automated monitoring and optimization.

SMEs overestimate their cybersecurity preparedness

helpnetsecurity.com, 22-09-2023

Meanwhile, 29% of small and medium-sized businesses reported currently having no cyber insurance. However, the survey findings highlight a glaring disparity between businesses’ perceived readiness and the actual state of their cybersecurity protection: An overwhelming 70% of respondents are confident that their businesses are adequately prepared and resilient enough to withstand a cyberattack. Many SMEs either underestimate the importance of robust security, believing they’re too small to be targeted or put too much trust in their current defenses. However, 44% of respondents believe that their current antivirus solution fully protects their business, employees, and data, and 25% of businesses admit to not regularly training their employees on cybersecurity best practices or never have. “These survey findings reinforce the critical and urgent need to prioritize cybersecurity preparedness within the SME community,” said Dor Eisner, CEO of Guardz.

Cyber insurance market a 'massive opportunity'

insurancetimes.co.uk, 25-09-2023

The San Francisco-based cyber insurer launched in the UK in 2022 and is backed by a multi-year capacity agreement. The firm distributes its products via brokers to the small and medium sized enterprise (SME) sector. Stephen Wares, Coalition’s head of risk engineering for the UK, told Insurance Times that the firm had since doubled its headcount, helping it interact with more brokers and subsequently reach more customers. He said there were 5.5m businesses registered in the UK, with most being SMEs. “With a low overall cyber insurance penetration rate, millions of companies remain unprotected, especially the smaller organisations that most need protection,” Wares said. ”Thousands of customers now trust Coalition to be there for them in the event of a cyber attack as well as utilising our continuous risk monitoring to improve their security posture. ”But, we are less than 0.1% of the way there and this presents a tremendous opportunity for Coalition to deliver our security tools, our incident response capability and insurance to the unprotected in the UK.”




IHSG (per 18 September 2023)


BI Rate

5.75 %






Sumber Media: Sinar Indonesia Baru, Kontan, Cianjur Ekspres, kontan.co.id, depok.tribunnews.com, mediaasuransinews.co.id, okezone.com, kids.grid.id, kompas.com, politico.eu, ft.com, reinsurancene.ws, insurancethoughtleadership.com, euronews.com, politico.eu, finextra.com, helpnetsecurity.com, dan insurancetimes.co.uk.