AAJI Daily News - 24 Januari 2024
Rabu, 24 Januari 2024
Titik Terang Dua Kasus Likuidasi di Industri Keuangan
Kontan, hal 10, 24/01/2024
Dua kasus kapailitan yang terjadi di industri jasa nonbank mulai menemukan titik terang. Di kasus Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Indosurya, misalnya, para korban bakal menerima barang rampasan perkara dari pihak Jaksa Eksekutor Kejaksaan Agung. Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban (LPSK) mengaku, menerima barang rampasan perkara KSP Indosurya berupa uang tunai dalam rekening Rp 39 miliar dan US$ 896.000. Selanjutnya, LPSK akan mendistribusikan aset rampasan tersebut. Hanya saja, Wakil Ketua LPSK Antonius Wibowo bilang tidak lantas begitu saja membagikan aset rampasan yang diterimanya tersebut.
OJK Inisiasi RSKKNI Pelaku Jasa keuangan, Edukasi, & Perlindungan Konsumen
kumparan.com, 23/01/2024
OJK hari ini menggelar Kick Off Rancangan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (RSKKNI) bidang Pengawasan Perilaku Pelaku Jasa Keuangan, Edukasi, dan Perlindungan Konsumen (PEPK) di Jakarta (23/1/2024). Dihadiri 80 peserta dari asosiasi sektor jasa keuangan dan lembaga sertifikasi profesi, acara ini dibuka oleh Friderica Widyasari Dewi (Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Perilaku Pelaku Jasa Keuangan, Edukasi, dan Perlindungan Konsumen OJK).
Januari 2024 BRI Maumere Bayar Klaim Asuransi Lebih dari Setengah Miliar Rupiah
suarasikka.com, 23/01/2024
Selama bulan Januari 2024, BRI Cabang Maumere telah membayar klaim asuransi nasabah yang meninggal dunia senilai lebih dari setengah miliar rupiah. Area Manager BRILife BRI Maumere Ewaldina Nona Vitri menyebut selama Januari 2024 BRI Maumere telah membayar klaim 3 nasabah yang meninggal dunia. Besaran nilainya bervariatif.
Pempol Wanaartha Life Audiensi dengan OJK, Bahas Soal Voting Likuidasi
kontan.co.id, 23/01/2024
Pemegang polis PT Asuransi Jiwa Adisarana Wanaartha (Wanaartha Life) yang mengatasnamakan Aliansi Korban Asuransi WanaArtha Life melakukan audiensi dengan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) untuk memprotes tata cara penyelesaian dan pembagian kekayaan hasil likuidasi pada Selasa (23/1). Perwakilan Aliansi Korban Wanaartha Life Christian Tunggal menyampaikan, alasan pempol melakukan audiensi karena berdasarkan informasi dari Tim Likuidasi tentang Tata Cara Penyelesaian dan Pembagian Kekayaan Hasil Likuidasi bahwa pemegang polis harus melakukan voting dengan batas waktu sampai 29 Januari 2024.
Tanggapan perihal "Mohon Asuransi PT. Panin Dai-Ichi Life Menaati Putusan Pengadilan untuk Mencairkan Klaim Asuransi Jiwa Alm. Suami Saya"
mediakonsumen.com, 23/01/2024
Bersama ini, kami menyampaikan tanggapan resmi PT Panin Dai-ichi Life perihal berita yang telah dipublikasikan di mediakonsumen.com (21/12/23) dengan judul “Mohon Asuransi PT. Panin Dai-Ichi Life Menaati Putusan Pengadilan untuk Mencairkan Klaim Asuransi Jiwa Alm. Suami Saya”. Sebagai tindak lanjut terhadap perkembangan tersebut, kami telah merespons panggilan dari Pengadilan Negeri Lubuk Pakam pada tanggal 9 Januari 2024. Kami menghormati dan menghargai proses hukum yang tengah berjalan dan saat ini dalam tahap penanganan oleh tim kami.
Berita Foto - Premi BCA Life Tumbuh
Bisnis Indonesia, hal 14, 24/01/2024
Global Risks 2024: Disinformation tops Global Risks 2024 as environmental threats intensify
xprimm.com, 16/01/2024
The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 produced in partnership with Zurich Insurance Group and Marsh McLennan warns of a global risks landscape in which progress in human development is being chipped away slowly, leaving states and individuals vulnerable to new and resurgent risks. Against a backdrop of systemic shifts in global power dynamics, climate, technology and demographics, global risks are stretching the world’s adaptative capacity to its limit. These are the findings of the Global Risks Report 2024 which argues that cooperation on urgent global issues could be in increasingly short supply, requiring new approaches to addressing risks. Two-thirds of global experts anticipate a multipolar or fragmented order to take shape over the next decade, in which middle and great powers contest and set – but also enforce – new rules and norms.
What’s making AI hot for FIs now, and what’s next on the menu in 2024?
finextra.com, 17/01/2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are becoming much more common everywhere, for consumers to research and explore online resources, for developers to more easily write code, and in customer service scenarios to (hopefully) improve responsiveness and enhance support solution development. AI also offers broad value within various areas of financial institutions’ (FIs) operations and client service departments. In fact, according to industry technology leader NVIDIA, “The financial services industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the adoption of AI technologies.” Finextra has featured extensive research on AI usage in financial institutions through numerous webinars and interviews, and readers can find additional insights from our most recent webinar on the topic by visiting our website.
Labour Market Situation report
oecd.org, 18/01/2024
OECD employment and labour force participation rates stabilised at 70.1% and 73.8% in the third quarter of 2023, the highest levels recorded since the start of the series in 2005 and 2008, respectively. The employment rate exceeded 70% in almost two-thirds of OECD countries. In November 2023, the OECD unemployment rate remained at its record low (4.8%) for the ninth consecutive month and was broadly stable at record lows in the European Union (5.9%) and the euro area (6.4%).
Peer Review of Italy
fsb.org, 18/01/2024
The main purpose of this peer review is to examine Italy’s progress to date in reducing non performing loans (NPLs) in the banking sector and any further reform plans, with a view to drawing lessons for the FSB membership. The peer review focuses on three areas: the accounting, regulatory and supervisory measures to reduce NPLs; the development of a secondary market for NPLs; and measures for resolving NPLs, notably through the enforcement, restructuring and insolvency framework. It examines the steps taken by the authorities including by following up on relevant FSAP recommendations and FSB commitments.
Towards macroprudential frameworks for managing climate risk
esrb.europa.eu, 18/01/2024
This report proposes three frameworks for relating climate risks to financial stability – addressing risk surveillance, macroprudential policy and broader risks to nature. A first framework covers financial stability risk surveillance. It takes stock of advances in measuring and modelling the impacts of climate risk, proposing a list of indicators for regular financial stability risk monitoring. A second framework details macroprudential policy options. It outlines both the features of a robust strategy as well as an initial operational design based on existing instruments, which can be scaled up as further information and more tailored policy options emerge. A third framework takes a first look at prospective financial stability impacts stemming from nature degradation, which could serve to exacerbate the financial stability impacts of climate change.
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