AAJI Daily News - 25 Juli 2024

Kamis, 25 Juli 2024                                                                                                                                         






Kejar Bonus, Agen Asuransi Palsukan Data Nasabah


Hasil Investasi Asuransi Jiwa Menurun 42,23% pada Mei 2024


Nilai Tukar Rupiah Masih Melemah, Industri Asuransi dan Reasuransi Ikut Terdampak


OJK Catat Premi Asuransi Nasional Capai Rp210,44 T per Mei 2024


Kadin: Perusahaan reasuransi berperan dorong investasi ekonomi hijau


Indonesia Re Incar RBC 200% Hingga Akhir 2024


Kasus Kresna Life, Modus 'Ali Baba' yang Seharusnya Ditindak Tegas


Insurance sector adds to pressures on new EU Commission to cut reporting rules


Public consultation on climate risk supervisory guidance


Poll suggests AI threats will drive the biggest cyber losses for re/insurers


ESG regulations – Canadian insurers face new compliance landscape


New Zealand’s insurers maintain strong solvency under strict regulations


Australia's insurance market bolstered by strong regulation


More South Africans opt for life cover in US dollars


Articles - Harnessing AI and Data in Insurance


GOTONG ROYONG REASURANSI ASEAN                                                                        

Bisnis Indonesia, hal 19, 25/07/2024

Perusahaan reasuransi Asean membentuk Asean Renewable Energy Pool, sebuah wadah kumpulan perusahaan reasuransi Asean yang menampung risiko proyek-proyek energi terbarukan di Asean. Negara Asean seluruhnya memiliki target emisi nol sehingga pool reasuransi ini dibentuk demi mendukung target tersebut.

Kejar Bonus, Agen Asuransi Palsukan Data Nasabah

Jawa Pos, hal 17, 25/07/2024

Tjeng Sodarsono San, Lukas Bidjtan, dan Oscar Adi Merdeka menggunakan identitas orang lain untuk menjadi agen asuransi PT Asuransi Jiwa Astra. Tujuannya, memperoleh komisi. Mereka berbuat seperti itu setelah disuruh Reggy Priyanto, direct development manager perusahaan asuransi tersebut. Kini Tjeng dkk disidang di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Surabaya secara terpisah. Jaksa penuntut umum (JPU) Darwis dalam dakwaannya menjelaskan, Reggy awalnya mendapatkan rekomendasi untuk merekrut delapan orang menjadi agen asuransi. Tiga di antara delapan calon agen tersebut adalah para terdakwa.

Hasil Investasi Asuransi Jiwa Menurun 42,23% pada Mei 2024                               

kontan.co.id, 24/07/2024

Hasil investasi perusahaan asuransi jiwa mengalami penurunan signifikan, tercatat menurun sebesar 42,23% secara tahunan atau year on year (YoY) menjadi Rp 6,29 triliun pada Mei 2024. Menurut data dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), hasil investasi perusahaan asuransi jiwa pada Mei 2024 mengalami penurunan bulanan sebesar 16,88%, dibandingkan dengan hasil investasi bulan sebelumnya yang mencapai Rp 7,56 triliun pada April 2024.

Nilai Tukar Rupiah Masih Melemah, Industri Asuransi dan Reasuransi Ikut Terdampak                                

kompas.com, 25/07/2024

Direktur Utama PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Indonesia Re) Benny Waworuntu mengungkapkan dampak dari pelemahan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS ke industri asuransi maupun reasuransi. Mengutip data Bloomberg, nilai tukar rupiah menyentuh Rp 16.000 per dollar AS sejak April 2024 dan terus berfluktuasi. Pada Rabu (24/7/2024) nilai tukar rupiah berada di level Rp 16.215 per dollar AS.

OJK Catat Premi Asuransi Nasional Capai Rp210,44 T per Mei 2024                      

cnnindonesia.com, 24/07/2024

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mencatat premi asuransi nasional mencapai Rp210,44 triliun per Mei 2024. Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Perasuransian, Penjaminan, dan Dana Pensiun Merangkap Anggota Dewan Komisioner OJK Ogi Prastomiyono menyebut angka itu tumbuh 7,93 persen dibanding periode yang sama tahun lalu (yoy).

Kadin: Perusahaan reasuransi berperan dorong investasi ekonomi hijau             

antaranews.com, 24/07/2024

Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia mengakui peran penting industri reasuransi dalam mendorong investasi ekonomi hijau di Indonesia. "Sebagai tempat bernaung bagi pelaku usaha dan industri di Indonesia, Kadin Indonesia mengakui peran penting industri reasuransi dalam mempromosikan keberlanjutan dan mempercepat transisi energi terbarukan dengan memberikan stabilitas finansial, serta mitigasi risiko juga memungkinkan para perusahaan asuransi menawarkan cakupan/coverage yang lebih luas untuk mendorong investasi ekonomi hijau," ujar Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Arsjad Rasjid di Jakarta, Rabu.

Indonesia Re Incar RBC 200% Hingga Akhir 2024                                                        

bisnis.com, 24/07/2024

PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) atau Indonesia Re telah menerima persetujuan untuk mendapatkan Penyertaan Modal Negara (PMN) sebesar Rp1 triliun pada tahun 2024. Suntikan modal ini akan digunakan untuk memperbaiki kesehatan finansial perusahaan, terutama tingkat solvabilitas (risk based capital/RBC), yang ditargetkan berada di level 180% hingga 200%. Direktur Utama Indonesia Re, Benny Waworuntu, mengungkapkan bahwa perbaikan RBC tidak hanya mengandalkan PMN.

Kasus Kresna Life, Modus 'Ali Baba' yang Seharusnya Ditindak Tegas                    

wartaekonomi.co.id, 24/07/2024

Saat ini kejahatan korporasi dengan modus ultimate beneficial owner atau penerima manfaat terakhir masih marak terjadi di sektor keuangan. Modus ini sejatinya adalah pemilik manfaat yang acap kali menjadi tirai bagi seseorang untuk berlindung atas kejahatan yang dilakukannya di sektor keuangan. Hal tersebut disampaikan Pengamat Hukum Denny Indrayana dalam diskusi media secara daring yang bertema "Membongkar Kejahatan Korporasi di Sektor Keuangan", di Jakarta, Rabu (24/7/2024).


Insurance sector adds to pressures on new EU Commission to cut reporting rules                                       

euractiv.com, 12/07/2024

Europe’s insurance sector became the latest to join the chorus of EU interest groups calling on the next Commission to foster a more pro-business regulatory framework – first and foremost, by following through with its pledge to slash reporting obligations by 25%. Insurance Europe, the umbrella group for insurance and re-insurance firms across the bloc, published its manifesto for the next five years on Thursday (11 July), listing its top priorities for “a more prosperous, resilient, and competitive European Union”.

Public consultation on climate risk supervisory guidance                             

iaisweb.org, 15/07/2024

Climate change is a key strategic theme for the IAIS as it is a source of financial risk, which impacts the resilience of individual insurers and could lead to financial stability risk. An adequate response from supervisors to climate-related risks will support the objectives of insurance supervision of protecting policyholders, contributing to financial stability and promoting the maintenance of a fair, safe and stable insurance market. To promote a globally consistent approach and address any gaps in the global framework for insurance supervision, the IAIS is conducting a series of four public consultations on proposed changes to guidance in various Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) and on new supporting material to better incorporate climate risk.

Poll suggests AI threats will drive the biggest cyber losses for re/insurers                                                      

reinsurancene.ws, 17/07/2024

A recent poll from Reinsurance News suggests that AI-powered threats will drive the biggest losses across the cyber re/insurance market over the next two years. Hundreds of people from across the insurance and reinsurance industry responded to the poll. Of this, nearly half of respondents (45%) said that they expect AI-powered threats to be the biggest driver of losses over the next two years. This should not come as too much of a surprise, given the widespread adoption of AI technology across the sector in recent years.

ESG regulations – Canadian insurers face new compliance landscape       

insurancebusinessmag.com, 17/07/2024

A new PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report has detailed the impact of evolving environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards on Canadian insurance companies. The report called on insurers to build out their ESG reporting capabilities and capacities amid the changing compliance landscape. ESG factors have become a focal point in the financial sector, driven by escalating climate risks, stakeholder concerns, and stricter regulatory expectations. This rise has led to a proliferation of ESG frameworks, standards, and reporting requirements, creating a complex regulatory landscape for companies to navigate, the PwC report said.

New Zealand’s insurers maintain strong solvency under strict regulations                                                     

insuranceasia.com, 18/07/2024

New Zealand’s insurance environment has shown robust regulatory conditions and good technical standards, Fitch Ratings assessed. New Zealand's insurance industry operates under the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010, ensuring a developed and transparent regulatory framework. Insurers adhere to a solvency-based capital regime, with stringent licensing requirements for key personnel, documented risk management protocols, and mandatory credit rating disclosures. The regulatory authority maintains regular oversight of insurers' capital adequacy and management practices to uphold sector confidence.

Australia's insurance market bolstered by strong regulation                       

insuranceasia.com, 18/07/2024

Australia’s insurance market stands on a fair regulatory environment amidst a developed, transparent, and effective enforcement, assessed by Fitch Ratings. Governed by acts like the Insurance Act 1973 and Life Insurance Act 1995, insurers are regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Capital requirements are set by the life and general insurance capital standards. Fitch finds Australia’s insurance market technically sophisticated, offering diverse products in life and non-life segments. Non-life sector demand is driven by natural catastrophes, with motor and property insurance being the largest premium contributors.

More South Africans opt for life cover in US dollars                                       

meinsurancereview.com, 22/07/2024

South Africans are diversifying their risk cover to include life insurance that pays out offshore, in US dollars, according to research findings by Discovery Life. Marking the 10-year anniversary of its Dollar Life Plan, Discovery Life released its 2024 Dollar Life research paper at a media roundtable last week. The Discovery Life Dollar Life plan is an offshore life insurance policy that pays out, offshore, in US dollars in the event of the policyholder’s death, disability, or severe illness.

Articles - Harnessing AI and Data in Insurance                                                

actuarialpost.co.uk, n.d.                                                                                       

Since the launch of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, artificial intelligence has captured the public’s imagination as well as investors’ attention. Over the last twelve months in particular, companies around the globe have begun to experiment with all forms of AI, some desperate to be the first to tap into the raft of rapidly maturing technologies across the AI sphere. For some industries, AI has the potential to be quite transformative – particularly those for which data plays a pivotal role.






BI Rate

6.25 %






Sumber Media:

Bisnis Indonesia, Jawa Pos, kontan.co.id, kompas.com, cnnindonesia.com, antaranews.com, bisnis.com, wartaekonomi.co.id, euractiv.com, iaisweb.org, reinsurancene.ws, insurancebusinessmag.com, insuranceasia.com, meinsurancereview.com, actuarialpost.co.uk